Makalah micro teaching pdf files

Micro teaching is a strategy that can be applied at various preservice and inservice stages in the professional development of teacher allen and ryan 1969. Olivero 1964 conducted a critical study of micro teaching techniques with a. Konsep pengajaran mikro micro teaching midwife4edu. The students are guided thoroughly in using the observation instrument used to code the modeled skill. Microteaching was a challenging and exposing experience. The micro teaching activities offer an opportunity for demonstration of organizational skills, communication skills, application of. At the end of the practice, semistructured interview form and the survey were used to learn the views of preservice teachers about teaching in the classroom. The name of microteaching was coined for this method of developing teaching skills in 1963. The idea of microteaching originated for the first time at stanford.

The analysis of the flow of comments and feedback on the online platform illustrated the collaborative learning in this computersupported learning community. Sebelum mahasiswa melakukan praktik micro teaching mereka diberi pembekalan tentang etika guru, kompetensi guru dan mekanisme praktik micro teaching. Micro teaching is a teacher training technique first developed by dwight w. Pengajaran mikro micro teaching merupakan suatu situasi pengajaran yang dilaksanakan dalam waktu dan jumlah siswa yang terbatas, yaitu selama 5 20 menit dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 3 10 orang. Micro teaching emphasizes specific skills in teaching and is implemented for 715 minutes of class time. Micro teaching helps in developing various skills in trainees as well as the current teaching staff. Teaching, teaching as an art or as a science, and discuss the major components of teacher education. Formal and informal linguistic environments in language acquisition and language learning 40 4. The recorded micro teaching videos were then uploaded for sharing among the class members on an online video database. Micro teaching afid burhanuiddin 4 prinsipprinsip diskusi mengikutsertakan siswa dalam diskusi tidak asal bicara diperlukan suatu ketertiban baik dalam giliran mengemukakan pendapat maupun memperhatikan orang lain yang sedang berbicara. Pdf microteaching, an efficient technique for learning. Hampir di semua bidang sektor industri perekonomian menggunakan komputer, dari segi industri mikro sampai ke industri makro. Apalagi dengan disyahkannya undangundang nomor 14 tahun 2005 tentang guru dan dosen menuntut adanya kualifikasi guru berpendidikan strata satu s1. Second language acquisition and second language learning cover.

This focused approach encourages growth through practice and critique. A teaching skill is a set of teaching behaviors of the teacher which is especially effective in bringing about desired changes in pupils. All these aspects can be learned by the students more clearly through teaching simulation through micro teaching. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah diuraikan di atas maka masalah. Microteaching provides our participants with an opportunity to refine their teaching approaches and methods, as well as to engage in an enjoyable language experience.

Penulis menuliskannya dengan mengambil dari beberapa sumber baik dari. It is contrasted with the usual pattern of classroom organization in graded systems where a single classroom contains students of only one grade level. Attitude and aptitude in second language acquisition and learning 19 3. Teachers may use a variety of instructional techniques, including macro, or whole group, teaching. Micro teaching is so called since it is analogous to putting the teacher under a microscope so to say while he is teaching so that all faults in teaching methodology are brought into perspective for the observers to give a constructive feedback. It helps in improving the handling skills of the teachers. You will be asked to present a brief no more than 10 minutes, please lesson in your own field with other workshop members playing. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Ultimately, microteaching is a useful technique for teaching soft skills, presentation skills, and interpersonal skills.

Microsoft powerpoint 2016 step by step is designed for use as a learning and reference resource by home and business users of microsoft office programs who want to use powerpoint to create and present slide presentations and printed materials. Pengembangan praktik micro teaching ini diarahkan untuk mendukung kompetensi calon guru yang professional. Makalah yang ditulis penulis ini berbicara mengenai keterampilan dasar guru. From the above description, there is nearly no differences between instructional media and teaching aids. Model of lesson study approach during micro teaching. Kalau mengajar di kelas dengan siswa 3540 orang, dalam waktu. Latar belakang secara tradisional latihan praktek mengajar dilakukan langsung di sekolah latihan sesudah calon guru memperoleh pengetahuan teoritis tentang dasardasar keguruan dan isi konten dari bidang studi yang akan diajarkannya. Learning outcomes at the end of this lecture you should be able to. Jadi, micro teaching berarti suatu kegiatan mengajar yang dilakukan dengan cara menyederhanakan atau segalanya dikecilkan.

It exposed areas where i needed to grow as a teacher and a language learner. Kriteria penilaian mengacu pada aspekaspek sebagai berikut. Increase knowledge about the special considerations related to pharmaceutical systems 2. Instructional media mgmp 3 often called a chalkboard. The role of the first language in second language acquisition 64 6. Makalah, performance vi keterampilan memimpin diskusi kelompok kecil 1. Menutup diskusi arends,bab 3, hal 956 arends,bab 3 b 2, h al 73100 makalah, performance vii keterampilan menjelaskan 1. Makalah pembelajaran micro teaching dimashehisumbacity. Maka, dengan memperkecil jumlah murid, waktu, bahan mengajar dan membatasi keterampilan mengajar tertentu, akan dapat diidentifikasi berbagai keunggulan dan kelemahan pada diri calon guru secara akurat.

Penulis menuliskannya dengan mengambil dari beberapa sumber baik dari buku maupun dari internet dan membuat gagasan dari beberapa sumber yang ada tersebut. Microteaching niu faculty development and instructional. Micro teaching adalah kegiatan mengajar dengan segala aspek. Microteaching merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang harus ditempuh oleh mahasiswa sebagai bentuk penerapan teori yang. Both, instructional media and teaching aids, have functions to make learners easily to understand the teaching. Untuk membantu anda memperluas wawasan dan pemahaman mengenai hakikat pembelajaran mikro, maka dalam bahan ajar satu ini akan dibahas topiktopik sebagai berikut. Each time only a few teaching skills are concentrated upon. Microteaching is one of the most recent innovations in teacher education or training programme which aims at modifying teachers behavior according to the specific objectives. Latar belakang masalah dijaman era globalisasi ini, penggunaan komputer sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang kegiatan di semua bidang. Micro teaching was invented in the mid1960s at stanford. Allen and his colleagues at stanford university in 1963. Makalah ini berbicara mengenai pengertian, fungsi dan tujuan dari pembelajaran micro teaching serta memahami komponenkomponen apa saja yang terdapat dalam kompetensi dan keterampilan guru. Improve attitudes about the importance of pharmaceu. Pertanyaan atau persoalan hendaknya sesuai dengan perkembangan dan pengalaman siswa.

Microteaching, an efficient technique for learning effective teaching article pdf available in journal of research in medical sciences 182. Micro teaching is a product of research at stanford university. The content of the book is designed to be useful for people who have previously used earlier ver. With your download, get the 26 best papers relevant to this one, including 17 top related papers. Bentuk pengajaran yang sederhana, dimana calon gurudosen berada dalam suatu lingkungan kelas yang terbatas dan. The results of the interviews show that the preservice believed that the micro teaching method gives a chance to.

In this context, micro teaching comes as a remedy to the above problem. It implies micro element that systematically attempts to simplify the complexities of the teaching process. Each part skill of the teaching skill is given a code of some sort. The teach, critique, reteach model gives the faculty immediate feedback and increases retention by providing an opportunity for practice. A microteaching workshop brings together four to six graduate students and a seasoned mit instructor to facilitate. Praktik outclass praktik ini dilakukan di luar ruangan kelas, yakni tempattempat stragetis di kampus yang bisa digunakan untuk pembelajaran. Latar belakang pembelajaran mikro, yaitu mengungkap mengenai latar belakang. A discussion document dr chris berry introduction multigrade teaching occurs within a graded system of education when a single class contains two or more student grade levels. Characteristics of microteaching 1 duration of teaching as well as number of students are less. Micro teaching is a platform for beginner teachers to improve teaching competencies. What all the great teachers appear to have in common is love of their subject, an obvious.